Marijuana vs Alcohol: Which Is Really Worse for Your Health?

Marijuana vs Alcohol: Which Is Really Worse for Your Health?

what is worse weed or alcohol

Over time, it can temporarily decrease the prevalence of CB1 receptors which can cause memory issues but, overall, the compounds in cannabis including many of the terpenes can be neuroprotective. This means that they can help protect nerve cells from damage which can decrease your chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease. It can be challenging to ascertain how many deaths are caused by cannabis.

How Addictive Is Alcohol?

There is no disagreement among experts, and most likely the population at large, about the need for more studies on the effects of marijuana use on our bodies and brains as more states vote to legalize it. In his clinical experience, Maxwell said, smoking pot can exacerbate existing anxiety and depression, as well as psychotic conditions. Studies have found a connection between increased psychotic episodes and regular pot use. The scans revealed that the drinkers’ brains had reduced gray matter and compromised white matter. Gray matter contains the majority of neuron cell bodies and axons and is responsible for helping the brain process information. It contains nerve fibers that help neuron cells communicate across different brain regions.

  1. Studies in humans, on the other hand, have returned varied results, and many have been too small-scale to draw firm conclusions.
  2. On the surface, weed appears to be safer, but there’s simply not enough evidence to declare a winner.
  3. He also points out that since the legalization of marijuana, there has been increased hospitalizations in psychiatric and inpatient hospital settings.
  4. One of the main negative issues of weed vs. alcohol is all of the issues with smoking marijuana.
  5. Over time, it can temporarily decrease the prevalence of CB1 receptors which can cause memory issues but, overall, the compounds in cannabis including many of the terpenes can be neuroprotective.
  6. The results showed that among people of all ages, alcohol was the seventh leading risk factor for deaths in 2016.

Researchers will always need to balance making information simple and accessible for policymakers and the public with the inherent complexity of drugs and their effects. This makes the task of building scientific drug policies very challenging. Alcohol and marijuana are both intoxicants, but one study from Columbia University researchers estimated that alcohol multiplies the chance of a fatal traffic accident by nearly 14 times, while marijuana nearly doubles the risk.

Medicinal Benefits of Marijuana

Now while cannabis deaths caused by disease, illness or drug interactions there are some data points regarding accidents, specifically car accidents. Legalization has provided data points about the potential increase in accidents related to cannabis. Public health researchers have said studying rates of injuries, accidents, mental illness and teen use in the wake of the new laws will lead to a better understanding of marijuana’s public health effects. While both are intoxicants used recreationally, their legality, patterns of use and long-term effects on the body make the two drugs difficult to compare. For the study, which was published in January, researchers used fMRI scans to see how two alcoholic drinks impacts brain function in 50 healthy adult males.

what is worse weed or alcohol

Which is worse? Alcohol or marijuana?

what is worse weed or alcohol

Vox is here to explain this unprecedented election cycle and help you understand the larger stakes. We will break down where the candidates stand on major issues, from economic policy to immigration, foreign policy, criminal justice, and abortion. We’ll answer your biggest questions, and we’ll explain what matters — and why. While being intoxicated with weed feels different than being intoxicated with alcohol, the two have roughly the same effect on your cognitive abilities, reflexes, and judgment.

It affects gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) which can cause relaxation but long term use of alcohol can affect your levels of GABA or glutamate in the nervous system. Alcohol can lower inhibitions but it can also impair judgment, coordination, and memory. Alcohol on the other hand can heavily impact your cognitive function. It can lead to impaired judgment, decreased reaction times, and difficulty concentrating.

Marijuana smokers tend to smoke much less than cigarette smokers, as some may smoke one drinking because of boredom joint a few times a week. Because marijuana can impair coordination and balance, there is the risk of hurting oneself, particularly if someone drives or chooses to have unprotected sex while their inhibitions are lowered, Baler said. These are two areas where people using marijuana could hurt themselves for the short and long term. Studies have found that these effects can persist for several weeks after stopping marijuana use. There may also be a link between daily weed use and poorer verbal memory in adults who start smoking at a young age. For a 1994 survey, epidemiologists at the National Institute on Drug Abuse asked more than 8,000 people from ages 15 to 64 about their drug use.

Getting drunk or high can feel similar to some people, while others describe the sensations as very different. Of course, the way you feel when you’re intoxicated also depends on how much of the substance you consume. Weed may appear to be safer than alcohol simply because we aren’t yet aware of certain risks. Before getting into comparing alcohol and weed, it’s important to understand some of the factors that make the comparison tricky. It can also protect against neurological issues like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. A lakefront oasis how to get someone fired at work providing a continuum of personalized addiction treatment surrounded by scenic views with private rooms, luxury amenities, and group outings.

Additionally, while you can have a cannabis overdose it’s not remotely fatal while an overdose of alcohol can cause lasting damage and even death. Weed is not without its pitfalls but alcohol is by far more problematic. This post will explore all the differences between these two intoxicants and explore their impact on your health and society at large. It’s impossible to say whether drinking alcohol or using marijuana causes what are whippets? violence, but several studies suggest a link between alcohol and violent behavior.

One thing that’s clear about the alcohol vs. weed debate is that both should be used responsibly and driving while intoxicated on anything should be avoided at all costs. Alcohol can contribute to social and behavioral issues, including aggression, mood swings, outbursts, relationship issues, and legal troubles. Alcohol can cause cognitive impairment which can lead to poor judgment, decreased coordination, and memory loss and in some cases blackouts. Cannabis is more likely to lead to a use disorder where you are habitually or are psychologically addicted to cannabis and want to use it. It’s important to note that when cannabis gets legalized many people may use cannabis semi-legally by consuming illegally purchased cannabis which can lead to them consuming more than standard dosages. This almost points to the importance of regulation so people can use standardized dosages to track their usage of cannabis.

Depending on your genetics, your drinking habits, and other factors, it could take several years or just a few months for you to need treatment. As mentioned, alcohol can cause many different negative effects on your body, most notably the liver. Chronic alcohol use can lead to liver diseases such as fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis, gastritis and pancreatitis. Alcohol is highly addictive and some people can have a genetic predisposition to alcoholism. Chronic use of alcohol can cause a physical dependency that will require outside intervention to treat this and help you become sober. It can damage brain cells and lead to deficiencies in neurotransmitters.

Green Health Docs’ mission is to combat the nation’s opioid epidemic. As a team of pain medicine physicians, anesthesiologists, and surgeons, we knew that there had to be a better way to help patients. Our goal was to give patients easy access to medical cannabis as an alternative to traditional pain medications, antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, and other addictive and harmful drugs. Cannabis has been found to potentially increase your chances of developing anxiety, paranoia, and psychotic symptoms.There is ongoing research on the relationship between marijuana use and mental health disorders. While the death toll may not be the same, the effect on drivers has been sufficiently observed.

There are countless cannabis products on the market and a number of consumption options, from vaping to edibles. Blending modern and traditional approaches, a residential treatment center addressing substance use disorders with equine therapy in Scottsdale, Arizona. Monarch Shores offers luxury housing with beautiful ocean views and individualized addiction treatment in Southern California. With proper tolerance breaks, you can lower your tolerance of THC and become less reliant on large amounts of cannabis to feel the same way and regulate your cannabis use.

How addictive is alcohol compared to marijuana?

Of those who had tried marijuana at least once, roughly 9% eventually fit a diagnosis of addiction. To put that in perspective, the addiction rate for cocaine was 17%, while heroin was 23% and nicotine was 32%. But experts are cautious to declare that marijuana is not harmful to the brain based on the evidence of this study.

If you find either substance interfering with your life, or if you find yourself questioning your substance use, talking to a professional can be helpful. But it’s up to you to decide if marijuana products will benefit you in the long run. Thinking about your relationship with substances is always a great place to start.