Trading off the Gold-Silver Ratio

Trading off the Gold-Silver Ratio

what is the silver ratio

This difference means that, while the price of the two metals is often correlated, there is room for variation in direction. Commodity pools are large, private holdings of metals that are sold in a variety of denominations to investors. The advantage of pool accounts is that the actual metal can be attained whenever the investor desires. This is not the case with metal ETFs, where very large minimums must be held to take physical delivery. That’s because the relative values of the metals is considered important rather than their intrinsic values. The convergents of this continued fraction (⁠2/1⁠, ⁠5/2⁠, ⁠12/5⁠, ⁠29/12⁠, ⁠70/29⁠, …) are ratios of consecutive Pell numbers.

If they can anticipate where the ratio is going to move, investors can make a profit even if the price of the two metals falls or rises. To recap, the golden ratio involves dividing a line into two segments and the silver ratio involves cutting it into three segments, two being of equal length. Each pair of adjacent integers has its own metallic mean, which is the collective name for the full set of roots that includes the golden ratio. Following the end of World War II, the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944 pegged foreign exchange rates to the price of gold.

How Is the Gold-Silver Ratio Calculated?

The ratio has been set at different times in history and in different places by governments seeking monetary stability. For example, trading some ETFs, such as iShares Silver Trust (SLV) and SPDR Gold Shares (GLD), generates a similar effect when trading off the gold-silver ratio. Trading gold and silver ETFs lets investors take advantage of price movements in a simple way.

The ratio increases when the value of gold rises faster than the value of silver. While it is important to watch and know the prices of the commodities themselves, it can add another dimension to your analysis by tracking the changes in their prices when compared to one another. Your profit will likely be less after fees, insurance, trading commissions and slight variances in pricing are factored in.

  1. This resulted in driving down prices of gold, which eventually created one of the lowest-ever silver-gold ratio of 17.25 to 1.
  2. They can, and still do, use it to hedge their bets in both metals—taking a long position in one while keeping a short position in the other metal.
  3. Commodity pools are large, private holdings of metals that are sold in a variety of denominations to investors.
  4. When currency values change, or the stock market experiences nerve-wracking volatility (perhaps due to global crisis, geopolitical moves, or other causes), gold is the go-to for many investors.
  5. Whilst the gold silver ratio seems high now, prices of silver bars and coins could increase considerably in the future, given changing perceptions and increasing demand impacting this ratio.

The chart above displays the 1-year rolling correlation coefficient between the price of gold and the price of silver. A correlation coefficient of +1 indicates a perfect positive correlation, meaning that the two precious metals moved in the same direction during the specified time window. Conversely, a correlation coefficient of -1 indicates that they moved in opposite directions. The chart shows that since the year 2000 the correlation between gold and silver has mostly been positive.

The usual method of trading the ratio is hedging a long position in one metal with a short position in the other. For example, suppose you were to sell one ounce of gold when the ratio is at 80, which would give you 80 ounces of silver. Then, a few years later when the ratio hits 20, you could sell those 80 ounces, in exchange for four ounces of gold. You would have quadrupled your investment, going from one ounce to four in just two trades.

Since then, the prices of gold and silver have traded independently of one another in the free market. They place bets on the direction of the ratio based on their sense of the likely direction of the prices of one or both metals. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) offer an accessible and simple means of trading the gold-silver ratio. Again, the purchase of the appropriate ETF—gold or silver—at trading turns can be used to execute your strategy.

Gold and Silver Bullion and Coins

You can buy and hold physical gold and silver for long-term investment purposes, but it is very difficult and expensive to trade in and out of these metals in this way. But there’s also a standard stp account way to find profit in the relationship between gold and silver. The value of gold and silver bullion has generally risen and fallen in relative tandem over time; where gold goes, silver follows. For those who monitor the gold and silver markets, this can feel satisfying, because it makes roughly gauging the relative value of each fairly simple. However, on further inspection, it can be confusing once you begin to understand their different uses in the wider market.

Metallic numbers: Beyond the golden ratio

So in a silver ratio rectangle, you block off two squares and are left with a new, smaller silver ratio rectangle. Investors trading gold and silver look to the gold-silver ratio as an indicator of the right time to buy or sell a certain metal. By 2016, the silver to gold-silver ratio swung the other way again, topping 80. Gold is valuable as an investment metal, widely seen as a flight-to-safety asset. When currency values change, or the stock market experiences nerve-wracking volatility (perhaps due to global crisis, geopolitical moves, or other causes), gold is the go-to for many investors. It is not recommended that this trade be executed with physical gold for a number of reasons.

what is the silver ratio

However, mining yields are in decline, and the cost to find and extract these metals is on the rise (although somewhat offset by advancements in technologies used during the process). In other words, we will never be able to mine and produce precious metals at our current rate, or a higher one. In this case, the investor could continue to add to their silver holdings and wait for a contraction in the ratio, but nothing is certain. This example emphasizes the need to successfully monitor ratio changes over the short term and midterm to catch the more likely extremes as they emerge.

Gold/Silver vs. the US Dollar Index

Those investors would simultaneously buy silver while selling short an equivalent amount of gold. If their assumption is correct, they will realize a net profit from a relatively better price performance of silver compared to that of gold. To illustrate the gold/silver ratio, consider a scenario in which gold is trading at $1,500 per ounce and silver is trading at $15 per ounce.

If one metal is cheaper than the other, you would sell the „overpriced“ one and move the proceeds into the „undervalued“ one. Then, when the ratio goes the other way in a year or two, you do the same thing again, selling the overpriced commodity for the underpriced one. It can be a better financial decision to gain exposure to gold through funds and the stocks of gold companies. Gokul Rajiv and Yong Zheng Yew are two former high-school level students in Singapore who happened to explore the idea of metallic means in a project and found it interesting enough to share. J.B. Maverick is an active trader, commodity futures broker, and stock market analyst 17+ years of experience, in addition to 10+ years of experience as a finance writer and book editor.